Personal Growth

I am very enthusiastic and energetic about my personal growth. It is something that I am passionate about and is one of my core values.

I am eager to do activities, workshops and learn. I am curious about myself, my wellbeing and growth and expansion.

I love reading and studying and always have more than one book that I am currently reading about personal growth. I listen to positive, motivational and inspirational audios.


I have routines in the morning and evening for me to focus on being positive, keeping my goals dreams and desires in front of me in the NOW moments. I am aware of my feelings and choose positive with gratitude, imagining and visualizing.

I want to learn, grow and expand every day!

6 years ago I was a different person. I didn’t have routines, I wasn’t reading personal growth books or listening to positive audios. I didn’t know my core values and what they mean to me. I didn’t know much of what I truly wanted. I didn’t have goals and visions for my dreams and desires, I barely had dreams and desires.

I read ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Stephen Covey and it changed my life! I clarified and defined my core values, I created and defined goals for all areas of my life.

I’ve reached a lot of those goals. My goals, dreams and desires have changed, grown and expanded.

vision board 2

I enjoy my life journey of growth and expansion. I enjoy being who I want to be, doing what I want to do and experiencing what I want to experience. I enjoy living my truth!

What are you doing to grow and expand? What are your dreams and desires?

Live Your Truth!


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