present moment

aware awake

what does it mean to be aware? what does i meant to be awake? are you aware?are you awake? are […]

where are you?

are you being present?are you living in the present moment?are you present with the people you are with? maybe you


what are you celebrating?what are you celebrating about you?for you?what are you celebrating for life?about life? you are a miracleyou

be present

what are you doing right now?are you aware of what’s around you?are you connected to what you are doing?are you

clear your mind

hard for me to clear my mind hard for me to quiet my mind to be present to my body

here to there

do you get caught up in the want, want, want of life? i do. there are so many wonderful and

smile. breathe.

at this moment, i’m happy. smiling. i have so much to smile and be happy about! my sweet kiddos, in

nature peace

nature and the outdoors are a natural experience of being in the present, of being at peace nature revitalizes, energizes

what do you enjoy?

i love sitting on my steps and seeing green! trees and green beyond. sunshine shining, reflecting, dancing, shimmering and glittering


where am i? and where do i want to go? there are many wants i have. many dreams and desires.

wandering thoughts

interesting how thoughts can change so much and be so different. thoughts being felt and connected to. thoughts being wanted

present moment awareness

i like to be aware and connected to my visions for my dreams and desires, my visions for my life


I’ve taken some of what I have for granted. I haven’t celebrated and I haven’t been grateful in my wanting.


do you spend your time in the past, future or in the present? how do you spend your time? are

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