
power of setting boundaries

As we navigate the intricate tapestry of life, it’s crucial to recognize the profound impact that setting boundaries can have

live in the present moment

it’s easy to get caught up in the pastdwelling on past mistakes it’s easy to worry about the futureanxiously anticipating

rejuvenate your energy

i needed some time away. i was being run by this commitment and this activity, responsibility after responsibility seemed to


Are you taking care of yourself? Are you giving your mind, body and soul the quiet time it needs, time

wellbeing and fulfillment

Are you being who you want to be? Do you want to become more and better? Are you doing what

big rocks

When we make choices to put our big rocks first we begin to live our truth. Choosing happiness and other

Health and Wellbeing

I was overweight. Obese. I struggled to get rid of weight, and I struggled to maintain weight. I tried different

Relax, Rejuvenate, Refresh

Are you taking time for yourself? Relaxing activities and activities that rejuvenate you? I know you are busy. I know

Time Gets Away

Time gets away from me. Does it get away from you? I get a to-do list that seems to be

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