expanding awareness

every decision has ripple effects into other pieces of who you are and who you are being. every decision has ripple effects into other areas of your life.

with this decision, am i being who i want to be? am i doing what i want to do? am i experiencing what i want to experience? when creating the life that i want, the decisions that i make are not always about one thing but about the whole. what is it that i want? what is my awareness?

the experiences of life create growth or can stop it. is this experience something that is going to expand my knowledge, my ideas, my awareness, the dreams and desires that i have; and help me to become aware and grow into who i want to be, what i want to do and what i want to experience?


some decisions and experiences are clear in knowing they are supporting your being. some decisions and experiences are to expand your awareness and give direction to where you want to grow.

when you are trying new things and expanding your boundaries, it is uncomfortable to become the person you want to be if you are changing some deep beliefs and ideas on how you think you should be or how you think “life” should be. are these beliefs and ideas yours or are they from someone else, is it your belief? are these beliefs and ideas from a past experience that is no longer relevant to you now? are you choosing an experience for yourself, for pleasing somebody else or from habit?

uncomfortable decisions are a good part of life, they are decisions that support your growth, awareness and expansion being who you want to be and doing what you want to do. that is why an awareness of your being, who you want to be, what you want to do and experience and what is most important to you is important. with your awareness you can make decisions for what is most important to you to support who you want to be and do or for expanding your awareness more through new experiences.

is who i am being in this experience who i want to be tomorrow or helping me to experience new ideas for who i want to be and what i want to do? if i choose this experience, is it for this now moment or is it for creating the life that i want to live through growth?

when you are making decisions are you making the decision for what’s important to you? are you making the decision for what you want? are you making the decision for the person you want to be? are you making the decision to experience new ideas for new knowledge, new awareness and growth?

enjoy the journey! experience your life fully expanding your awareness, being and enjoying new experiences.

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